New Single Plane Swing Video (developing)


When I witnessed Moe Norman hitting a ball for the first time over twenty years ago, I was mesmerized by the precision, power and accuracy of his golf swing.

Moe’s swing was unique. He started and impacted on a Single Plane – dramatically different than the typical conventional two plane swing you often see today.

Moe’s Single Plane Swing has proven to be biomechanically easier, more efficient and less stressful on the body. Starting at the Single Plane address, Moe produced the most powerful and consistent swing in history while moving and rotating his body more efficiently – placing less stress on his back than the typical conventional golfer.

From the day I met him, I committed myself to learning, researching and understanding his golf swing in every aspect and detail so I could teach myself and help others learn so they too could simplify their own golf swings.

In my process of learning from Moe, he told me many things about his golf swing. Some times it would sometimes take me years to understand.

Moe was right brained, creative and extremely intuitive. Intuitive people are more internal. They understand the world through feelings.

IF you are like me, you are more analytical and left brained.   People like you and me study, analyze and measure things to figure them out. This type of analysis can often be the opposite of feelings where you process everything from the inside.  The problem is that analysis and analytic thinking does nothing for experiencing reality.  It produces more questions and more information.  Information doesn’t train the body.  The only way to train the body is through moving the body and experiencing.  (You can also do this through meditation and visualization).

I learned Moe’s swing through modeling. With video, I studied and analyzed his movements and then I compared his measurements to mine. I compared myself to him and then matched his movements. With Moe as my guide and video analysis as my tool, I learned to feel what Moe felt.

This type of modeling is a great way to learn. The goal, of course, is to match Moe’s movements and by doing so, I was also able to match his feelings.

But what exactly are feelings? What does it mean to match someone’s feelings? The fact is that feelings are holo-sensorybiomechanic. Holo-sensorybiomechanic is a word I coined to explain that all of your body (hologram) and senses (sensory) are involved when you attempt to change the way you develop a physical skill (biomechanic).

Holosensorybiomechanic describes holistic perspective of learning in a three-dimensional world.

holosensorybiomechanic creative representation

If you have tried to improve your golf swing you might have experienced difficulty. This is because as you attempted to change your swing by using your thoughts to direct your body, however, often your thoughts about a new swing can not over ride your old swing. The reason is that, based on previous thoughts and your body’s functional ability, you have already programmed a swing into your body’s neuro-muscular network. Moe called this the body-mind.

Every time you try to move differently, your body simply runs the old program. You might “think” your felt something new but in actuality, nothing changes. The problem is that the mind can not think about feelings. Feelings are sensory and emotional.

So how do you change your golf swing?

You must learn to rewire your network in the same way that you built it. To do this we must first radically break up the old patterns with a new form of sensory and emotional training . This is the same type of training that we provide in our personal – hands on golf schools.

In our golf schools we are able to give students a personal experience of the Single Plane Swing. If their grip is incorrect, we physically move their hand to the correct position. If they take the club back too far, we force them to shorten their swing. If they straighten their lead leg, we focus them on the lead leg. Focusing on one aspect for an extended period physically and emotionally reinforces their entire neuro-network to adapt and begins to reprograms the entire network – rewiring the brain and body connection.

The secret to our success is holding the student accountable to the model and ignoring the results. This way he or she can begin to feel the new movement – which in turn rewires your body and mind.

The Golf Instructors Dilemma

After twenty years I have learned one very important thing. When it comes to the golf swing, nobody can actually feel what they think they do. People can not feel the reality of their golf swings.  Your feelings lie.

Why? Because people become numbed by their old brain program. You can’t feel what you can’t feel.  When I help people change their swings, they often become worse. Worse, however, is a relative term. As their golf swing improves, their ball-striking ability declines. In my opinion I am making them better but in their minds, because they hit the ball badly, they are getting worse.

This is the golf instructors dilemma.

One of the most commonly asked questions is “How long is this going to take”. I always answer, “I don’t know but what I do know is that if you start now, you will get there faster”. The real answer is personal. How much time will your dedicate to your training? Are you practicing correctly? Are you focused? Are you measuring your progress? Are you able to emotionally handle the temporary setbacks of getting worse to get better?

But here is the most important question of all.

Are you Fixing or Building?

Most students have difficulty changing their own golf swings. Why? They are caught in the old wiring system of their brain. They are trapped. When they try to make a change the old wiring takes over. Place a ball in front of them and they immediately run the old program – the neuro-network takes over. Nothing changes.

Because learning is a holosensorybiomechanic endeavor. Its the body and mind working together. Reprogramming it must be done in a holistic way. In other words to make dramatic changes we can not try to repair the old program to build something new.   We must build an entirely new network. Your entire body must experience the sensation so that your brain can build the proper network.

I am currently producing a new video that is holosensorybiomechanic  – the first of its kind. It is designed to give your multi sensory experiences of the Single Plane Swing that you have never experienced.

Over the past two years in the 3-D motion capture studios and biomechanic laboratories, I have studied Moe’s golf swing in analytical detail. This is where understanding Moe’s swing gets interesting.   What I discovered was that his intuitiveness and feelings left us clues to how we can learn his swing.

Traveling deeply into Moe’s golf swing in 3 Dimensions, has allowed me to “stand in his shoes” which has helped me feel exactly what he felt. Seeing the Single Plane swing from your perspective can help you rewire your own perceptions of the golf swing to feel what he felt.

This video will teach you the swing as how it I viewed and felt from Moe Norman’s perspective. When you apply the instruction of this video, you will understand why seeing Moe’s swing from his perspective will help you feel it inside your own body.

As always – I would love to hear your comments and suggestions.  Please email me at


3 comments on “New Single Plane Swing Video (developing)”
  1. George Schuyler says:

    It is difficult and sometimes frustrating to learn the single plane.  I appreciate all of the training aids you have produced because without them this task would be virtually impossible.  My main problem concerns the transition and the flexed left knee.  I do want to straighten that knee!!!  I am working hard on that–slowing the transition helps.  In other words, just a bit of hesitation at the top of the backswing helps.  Also, your drill with the feet together and the first move to the left knee.  Thanks for all your videos, webinars and e-mails.  George Schuyler.  I have played for 70 years now. Check out my website

    From: MOE NORMAN To: Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 11:49 AM Subject: [New post] New Single Plane Swing Video (developing) #yiv5300461060 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv5300461060 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv5300461060 a.yiv5300461060primaryactionlink:link, #yiv5300461060 a.yiv5300461060primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv5300461060 a.yiv5300461060primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv5300461060 a.yiv5300461060primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv5300461060 | Todd Graves posted: “When I witnessed Moe Norman hitting a ball for the first time over twenty years ago, I was mesmerized by the precision, power and accuracy of his golf swing.Moe’s swing was unique. He started and impacted on a Single Plane – dramatically different tha” | |


  2. Dave says:

    Todd, I believe you are the best instructor to teach the SPS and Moe’s swing ever. I truly appreciate all your postings, dvds and stories. But I can’t help but remember about how Moe always said to “keep it simple stupid”. Is this posting getting a little to deep? Holo-sensorybiomechanic may be a very good way to describe a learning process by feelings, but for me it’s going a little beyond my thought process of learning what should be a simpler way to swing a golf club.
    Again thank you for all your unselfish contributions to help us all learn a better and simpler way to have fun and play golf. Your teachings have helped me tremendously.



  3. Todd Graves says:

    Thanks for the comment Dave. I agree to keep it simple. I personally believe the golf swing IS simple. Having said this, why isn’t everyone perfect at it? I would like to use your question for my next post – so I will answer in detail in my next blog. I really appreciate the question.


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